Redesigned 2016 Nissan Maxima Introduced
For no one despises or hates or runs away from pleasure because it is pleasure
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- Details
- And with some great pain. For let me come to the smallest detail, no one should practice any kind of work except that some of it may be useful to him. Do not be angry with the pain in the reprimand in the pleasure he wants to be a hair from the pain in the hope that there is no breeding. Unless they are dark and covetous they do not come out, they are in fault who forsake their duties and softens the soul, that is toils. But in order that you may see whence all this born error is, the pleasure of those who accuse and the pain of those who praise, I will open the whole matter, and explain the very things which were said by that discoverer of truth to the architect of a happy life. For no one despises or hates or runs away from pleasure because it is pleasure, but because great pains result from those who do not know how to follow pleasure with reason.
- Conclusion
- I will open the whole matter, and explain the very things which were said by that discoverer of truth and as it were the architect of a happy life. No one hates or flees from pleasure because it is pleasure, but because great pains result to those who do not know how to follow pleasure. Nor is there any one who wishes to obtain the pain itself, because it is the pain that will follow, but because such times never occur, as with great labor and pain.